The Canadian Aid and Relief Foundation (CARF) was established in Canada in 2022. It was founded on the belief that a quality education and a healthy community are essential parts in the process of building a democratic nation, paired with essential relief services to orphaned, widowed, underserved, and impoverished peoples. The Canadian Aid and Relief Foundation believes this mission is the responsibility of the global community.
The founders of Canadian Aid and Relief Foundation needed a charity that could address the humanitarian crisis in Iraq and provide assistance to orphans, widows, the sick, the elderly, and other poor and needy people. The humanitarian crisis in Iraq is immediate and pressing; CARF’s leadership team was anxious to get working but needed charity status to begin fundraising to go about their great work.
While the charity registration process can be long and arduous – sometimes up to 12 – 18 months – CARF was still waiting for registration 24 months later. Despite the time it took to get CARF registered, Cadence worked tirelessly to answer the CRA’s many questions, addressing their concerns about the location of the programs among other things, over many phone calls and letters. The Cadence’s team persisted and ultimately, we successfully achieved charitable status for CARF!
The rigorous CRA evaluation process, especially for organizations wishing to carry out activities overseas and in politically turbulent regions can be extremely daunting. Cadence worked with CARF to put together clear responses to CRA’s many letters and phone calls regarding the charity application. We were confident in this organization and our commitment paid off. CARF is now actively working to provide relief to the humanitarian crisis in Iraq!
CARF is aiming to help as many orphans as possible in the regions of Baghdad, Karbala, and Najaf
CARF aims to equip women with income generating skills, such as sewing and home economics training to help them support their families.
Al-Sadiq Elementary School, Al-Sadiq Preschool for Orphans, Al Salihat Girls Academy, Al- Mashariq Junior High
#300 -1208 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC
V6E 2S8
Monday – Friday
10am – 6pm